Praise to the Powder Gods

Giving a shout out and an extra special thanks to the Powder Gods for showing us some love today.  4 inches during the day and still snowing for next couple days. We are coming off our longest drought of the season thus far at 6 days so its nice to get a refresh today.  Lots of praise to the Powder Gods, HALLELUJAH.

Our cats today were full of long time returning guests as usual.  We had locals, Coloradans, Australians, Summit County snow monkies and even some spoiled rotten powder cat kids of our guide team out enjoying their parents fruit.  It was a joy getting to do our thing with this crew of fantastic folks and family.

Looking at our calendar, we have a breather before we get really busy with 3 cats starting this coming Friday.  We have room for anyone interested in cat skiing tomorrow thru Wednesday.  Snow should be AMAZING, just saying.

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