She’s Back!

With a little break in the snow, we are back in our happy place. We are expecting snow tonight and starting next week, we're back in our happy place. A snowy second part of February is predicted. Keep it coming!

2019-02-05T17:54:32-07:00February 5th, 2019|

Earning Turns At The Next Level

The splitboard is the best tool for snowboarders in backcountry exploration and off-piste freeride. It functions as a regular snowboard when going downhill, but for going uphill the board splits lengthwise down the middle and the bindings can be turned to face forward, allowing you to hike and tour the mountains. If you have always wanted to explore the backcountry on a snowboard then splitboarding is definitely for you!

2019-02-05T08:33:40-07:00February 5th, 2019|

Still Skiing Fresh!

One of the many benefits of having such a tenured guide staff, despite the lack of recent snow, is that we are still able to find fresh, untouched lines. These lines are only found with a trained eye as they are tucked away in our secret stashes!

2019-02-04T17:10:36-07:00February 4th, 2019|

Wacky Weather

I asked y'all to do your snow dances yesterday not expecting everyone to follow through but after the weather that blew in this afternoon, you guys must have burned the dang house down.

2019-02-04T07:09:54-07:00February 3rd, 2019|

More Weather Headed Our Way

Chances are high for a bit more wintery goodness from Mr. Snow Miser starting tonight!! Though we all love a good bluebird day or even a string of them, it's about time "The Boat" gets a little refresh for us to play in after a week of warmer temps.

2019-02-03T15:57:57-07:00February 2nd, 2019|

Month O’ Love

Sure human relationships are nice and all but what about the love of snow? I mean what is better than playing hooky from your boring adult responsibilities to go powder skiing/boarding with your homies, loved ones, or other like-minded powder hounds? Not much in our opinion. There is something so liberating about zipping across some fluffy white with cold wind on your cheeks that makes one feel truly alive and completely in the moment and that's what we at SPC LOVE!

2019-02-01T18:19:54-07:00February 1st, 2019|

Comparing the Storms

Bluebird forever today.  It was glorious and amazing to see such deep, dark blue skies. After 14 days of epic winter, having the sun come out is actually nice. Not that we want it out for long, but today it was worthy. As we dig out from one of our deepest snow cycles in years, it's interesting to compare the historical significance of what we just witnessed.  These past 14 days....

2019-01-29T17:53:02-07:00January 29th, 2019|

We’ve Emerged!

After what seemed like weeks (two to be precise), Buffalo Pass emerged from Ullr's mystical snow cloud today. The snow was glistening, the grouse were flying out of their snow nests inches from our skis, and grins were big while skiing among the Dr. Seuss-esq pines. 

2019-02-03T15:56:49-07:00January 28th, 2019|

Powder Is Annoying

Phew, finally Mother Nature quit on us! After about 10 days of the skies doing nothing but dump snow non-stop, we finally received the break we've been all hoping for. I mean 7 feet of snow in under 2 weeks is just absurd, and us here at Powdercats couldn't be happier that this snowpocalypse storm has packed its things and moved on.

2019-01-28T07:31:07-07:00January 27th, 2019|
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