Light n Fluffy
Well, folks you guessed it, more snow over the last 24hrs, 14" to be exact, and with some colder temperatures, the snow remained light & fluffy (perfect for maximum enjoyment).
Well, folks you guessed it, more snow over the last 24hrs, 14" to be exact, and with some colder temperatures, the snow remained light & fluffy (perfect for maximum enjoyment).
Even after 9 days and 69", the clouds haven't quit on us yet. An approximate 8"- 10" of fresh, fluffy, pow pow greeted us this morning on Buffalo Pass. It's been epic and almost ridiculous skiing in this much snow. Personally, I've never been chest deep in powder until this month and what an incredible sensation it is!
Most of us who have anywhere from moderate to severe snow sports addictions, look to the storm cycle forecast in order to get an idea for what we will hopefully experience on the mountain. This morning, even though I could see with my own eyes that it hadn't stopped snowing at all since yesterday, I read our local snow forecaster. Joel, our area's meteorologist, got straight to the point this morning my mentioning phrases like "deep fluffy snow", "there will be face shots", and "you will have fun".
There are snowstorms, then there is Buffalo Pass, northwest flow, no wind, uber fluff, orographic machine type snowstorms like we are having right now. IT"S DUMPING!!!!.....
Just when we thought it couldn't get any better, it did! What an amazing cycle of storms we have had. And guess what... more snow coming! Would you believe we have open seats on some of our tours? Well, we do! Where are you?! Hop online and check our availability. Come get your powder fix!
Clouds rolled in around 1 pm and started doing what they do best: freezing atmospheric water vapor into little white flakes of ice crystals. Here in Colorado, we call that POWDER and hopefully it will continue to refill our tracks for the next four days!!!
A calm between storm cycles called for some righteous skiing & boarding on this beautiful Sunday. The snow, being best described as "velvet", allowed for maximum control at high speeds and soft landings from great heights, especially in our Level III terrain.
After a full day of fighting through the seemingly outrageous conditions yesterday, we were greeted by the sun, blue sky, and some low hanging fog that decided not to leave the valley. With increased visibility and 5'' of fresh, very light snow on top of the new 29'' we were in for one heck of day!
Days like today don't come around often. Maybe every other year we see storms like this. We ski and ride powder every single day, day after day after day, but nothing like this. We got destroyed by 23" at our cabin and 29" at our higher elevation snowstake on Soda Mountain. THAT IS INCREDIBOOOOOOOOL! Though Buffalo Pass is Colorado's deepest snowpack, typically, and we are blessed with amazing days....
Thirteen inches of fresh snow graced us with its presence over the past 24 hours and we reveled in its glory! After ten or so days without any new snowfall we were nearing the end of our untracked snow stashes and were quite grateful for the free refill up on the Pass.