Britni Johnson – Backcountry Snowcat Ski Guide
A native of the Chicago-area flatlands, Britni originally grew up frolicking in cornfields and dreaming of becoming the next Mia Hamm. After her childhood soccer glory days came to pass, it was on to Big Ten athletics where she walked-on to the Michigan State University Varsity Women’s Rowing team. Four years later and ever eager for the next adventure, Britni packed her bags and headed to Colorado. She was instantly smitten by the mountain-town lifestyle, and quickly acquired a number of new passions (including learning to ski at the age of 23).
As is the case with most Yampa Valley transplants, her love for the mountains runs about as deep as her love for adventure. Since moving west more than a decade ago, she’s worn a number of hats (both past and present) which seems like a fitting compliment to the diverse, vibrant, non-linear, and exceedingly active lifestyle that has come to define much of her being: D1 athlete, foreign affairs intern, trail crew leader, AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer, ski school instructor, skier, climber, mountain biker, trail-runner, yogi, nanny, waitress, farmer, master gardener, bartender, search and rescue member, avalanche education instructor, and most recently, a certified holistic nutritionist, entrepreneur, and soon-to-be certified personal trainer.