Friday’s are made for POWDER

We are now two weeks into our season and the days are rolling.  Our smiling, happy faced permagrinned guests have made the team here at SPC giddy with guiding glory. There has been lots of laughter, great conversation, tall tales, comic relief and rocking tunes in the cat. We all take it to a higher level once on the snow and savor turn after turn after turn after turn in the pow.

2019-01-04T17:15:00-07:00January 4th, 2019|

Back In The Game

There are many reasons why our days at Steamboat Powdercats are super special.  The snow, the terrain, the views, the people are just a few of the myriads of reasons why every day is precious here. Our daily adventures and experiences spent together on Buffalo Pass can be life changing as well as milestones in our lives. We get it all the time from our guests. 

2019-01-03T17:24:49-07:00January 3rd, 2019|

California Love

Some of our California tribe of annual Powdercatters where here with us the past couple days. They brought the sunshine and good vibes. We can't ask for better conditions than we have been getting. We don't know about you guys, but our New Years resolution is more powder!

2019-01-02T17:57:48-07:00January 2nd, 2019|

Snow On The Horizon

A possible 8'' of snow is projected to accumulate over this evening/night so we all need to stay optimistic and hope that the weather man has underestimated the in coming storm...we need to start 2019 on the right foot (or feet of fresh pow)!

2018-12-30T17:19:52-07:00December 30th, 2018|

Cold Side of The Mountain

Starting off the morning at a blistering 3 degrees, we bundled up before heading to Buffalo Pass for another cloudless day of skiing! To our delight the cold didn't stick around for too terribly long and layers were shed, or maybe I'm just warm blooded. 

2018-12-28T19:18:25-07:00December 28th, 2018|

Best Day Yet!

Skies cleared around 10am today after Ullr provided us with four more inches of airy Champaign Powder! Once the sun poked out and made aspen tree skiing one of the most beautiful ski experiences I've ever logged on a mountain. Temps hung around the mid-twenties which, with the sun, kept visibility primo and climate balmy.

2018-12-27T18:23:46-07:00December 27th, 2018|

Enjoying the Gift of Powder

T'was the day after Christmas and all through the town, the spirits were high, because of the pow. Yep that's right, folks its still snowing here in "The Boat" and the skiing has been epic with an additional 8'' over the last day an a half!!

2018-12-27T10:25:21-07:00December 26th, 2018|
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