Sunny Spring Time
Though we hoped and prayed that winter would just stick around until June, we'll happily take mid-March as our first real sighting of spring weather.
Though we hoped and prayed that winter would just stick around until June, we'll happily take mid-March as our first real sighting of spring weather.
Today marks our annual Never Summer Snowcat day where they award the winners of the NS Ticket to Shred contest.......We are beyond stoked to share the love of riding powder with such a homegrown and innovative company and a few of their loyal fans. Maybe it's not a coincidence that we've both been "Keeping it fresh since 1983."
Snowmageddon 2018/2019 continued to share the love of shralping powder with everyone here in the great town of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. With our longest snow drought being just over a week, we've got a lot to be grateful for.
We hope we never wake up from this snowy dreamlike state we are in. 6" on the stake when we arrived at 9:00 am to the cabin this morning and another 3" fell during the day. Say what? It's as if our own fairy snow mother has waved her wand over Northwestern Colorado and her crystalized magic is falling from the heavens.
Another rocking time today. Supergroups, lots of rippers, smiling faces, ladies and of course our daily dude party. We crushed Skeeters, Buffalo Mountain, Pepsi and North Soda. Continue reading....
Believe it or not, for some skiing isn't all about slashing pow and hucking cliffs. Many folks find their bliss in the art of their turn by finding a state of flow in the rhythm of the white mountain dance.
No better way to kick off a new week than with 5" of super light snow on top of all we received last week!
The Winter Weather Factory did not disappoint today! With 4" of fresh snow overnight, most all aspects were skiing great!
Well, folks, spring is here but winter is still putting up a hell of a fight and I think you know what team we're rooting for...Winter, DUH!