Celebrate Awesomeness

Today we are celebrating the awesomeness of this day.  What an epic adventure.  3 crews consisting of 12 5-Star Steamboat Ski Corp employees, 6 badasses who are long time returning super guests and a posse who fly up here today and flew home after. Oh, yea. 

2019-03-06T18:01:29-07:00March 6th, 2019|

Eye Of The Storm

If our local snow gurus are correct in their predictions, as they normally are, today and tomorrow mornings sun rays are only temporary. With four days of forecasted snow in front of us, we've got no excuse but to put those Pj's on inside out and do our little voodoo snow dance to ensure the dumpage is as prophesied. 

2019-03-04T17:32:19-07:00March 4th, 2019|


HOLY POW! Sheesh! Talk about an epic day on the mountain! A foot of the coveted blower Champagne Powder on top of yesterday's heavier [...]

2019-03-03T17:19:40-07:00March 3rd, 2019|

March 1st

We kicked off the first month of spring right with 5'' of some fresh n fast pow and with 6'' to 10'' predicted to come overnight we've got a lot to look forward to!

2019-03-01T17:20:37-07:00March 1st, 2019|

Farewell Matt!

After 10 years of guiding with our Powdercats family, Matt Weingartner, the handsome stud of a man and mentor for many of us is parting ways.  Today was his last day guiding with us as tomorrow he hits the road heading back to the Ipswitch where his wife and baby-to-be are waiting. 

2019-02-28T17:50:38-07:00February 28th, 2019|

When Like Minds Ski Together

Since 2002, we have been keeping this daily blog, showcasing our "best of" memories, captured imagery and a little blurb about the daily weather, future forecast, and rocking crews.  It's been a great resource for our guests to re-enjoy their day, share some of the magic with their friends who missed out and to prep those who are coming tomorrow or days down the road. One theme that has carried over and over in our daily ramblings has been how important our people are in creating the experiences that is Steamboat Powdercats together.

2019-02-27T17:49:45-07:00February 27th, 2019|

Old School Skiing

The saying "Old Dudes Rule" was a theme for our Thunder Cat today as the majority of gentlemen on the snowcat were veteran ski instructors from Seattle, WA. The years of ski instructing they had under their belts was quite apparent once the fellas took off down the powder fields...they RIPPED and their form was textbook. 

2019-02-26T07:30:54-07:00February 25th, 2019|
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